I blogged about some chainsaw coppicing over at Pondhead
But that failed to show the stirling work of the majority of the volunteers achieve, so here is another info-panarama-graphic-thingy to redress the balance.
Outside the coup Feb19
Go inside the coup
Charcoal Timber stacked and left for a year to dry.
Rustic Poles for sale
(click for more information)
Dead hedge. Waste brash woven between posts to keep deer from eating the hazel regrowth
Inside the Coup Feb19
Back outside the coup
Gate under construction
Pea sticks ( fans of brash under some logs to flatten them)
This is what we are all about. This hazel stool was cut to the ground to encourage re-growth. (we will add a photo in the summer)
Hawthorn, slow growing, so left for the birds
330m of hedge laid by the volunteers surrounding this coup to keep the deer out
More wood for charcoal
Teleport over to the chainsaw coppice
Bean poles bundled into 11's (5 on each side and one along the top)
for sale (click for more information)
Binders (min 12') to weave along the top of hedges
As before click on the top right square to go full screen and get a better view.
The original panorama is here : Green gym