Click on the rectangle in the top right to go full-screen and go on an interactive tour of our shop
Stroll around our shop:
Toy shelves
Pull-along dog
Jemima Puddle Duck
teleport to the Jewellery shelves
teleport to Back shelves
teleport to the Puzzle shelves
teleport to the Front door
Magic wands
These magnetic wooden blocks are mentioned in our diverse-products blog
Story sets
teleport to Toy shelves
teleport to the Front door
Chess sets
Elvish wands
About us
teleport to Jewellery shelves
teleport to Back shelves
Front Door
teleport to the Toy shelves
teleport to the Back shelves
teleport to the Back shelves
teleport to the Puzzle shelves
Old Photo, no longer Tea Total. Now Renouf's Cheese and Wine Bar, Click to visit
Chess sets
About us
Pop out to our favorite charity: Pondhead Conservation Trust.
Carved Ducks
wooden rings
teleport to the Puzzle shelvesr
teleport to the Front door
Tree cards
Old Forest Folk
teleport to Toys
Wooden veneer card
New Forest logo'd spoons
Recycled bobbin sand-timers
Bolton's Bench veneer card
teleport to back shelves
Wooden Watches
Recycled bobbin sand-timers
Back shelves
teleport to the Front door
teleport to the Puzzle shelf
Jigsaws and Pocket jigsaws
Piggy Bank
teleport to Toy shelves
teleport to Jewellery shelves
Fox Chopping Board