The Birds are back – competition

..and the air was thick with the wings of birds coming home to roost To celebrate getting our windows filled with so many wonderful hand-carved birds, we’re going to give one away!** Just comment here, or on our facebook page which bird is your favorite and why, then next friday we will pick a winner at random and announce it that day* Here’s a list of all the birds we stock:BlueTitGreenfinchGreatTitGreenWoodpeckerHousesparrowKingfisherNutHatchRobinSpottedWoodpeckerTreecreeperYellowWagtailWrenGoldfinchCrestedTitGoldcrestLongTailedTitMistleThrushRedwingBullfinchChafinch These birds are all…
A line of wooden ducks

Here come the ducks

It’s raining outside, look who’s still eager to go out. These ducks, with their walking boots, are made from the often-discarded bamboo root and are imported from Bali by a fair-trade company. We feel we must point out that these importers supply us with a number of carvings; one of the more difficult products to package, yet they manage it without the slightest hint of plastic. If they can do it, anyone can. small £14 …

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